TraffLab Research Fellow
Dr. Tamar Barkay
Tamar Barkay is a sociologist in the field of political and economic sociology and a TraffLab Research Fellow.
She holds a PhD in Sociology and Anthropology from Tel Aviv University, and is currently serves as the head of the sociology cluster in the Multidisciplinary Studies Department at Tel Hai College. Her research interests include the changing relations of states, markets, societies and individuals in recent decades; and the impact of rating and ranking practices on current modes of subjectivity. In her previous studies Barkay explored ethnographically the phenomena of “corporate responsibility” as reflecting the rise of new forms of non-state authority governance and regulation.
Research at TraffLab: Dr. Barkay’s research project focuses on the inter-relations of corporate responsibility, labor markets and human trafficking aiming to map global and local corporate responsibility initiatives to combat the human trafficking industry and its worrying steady growth, and to evaluate their potentiality and effectiveness.
Relevant Publications
Tamar Barkay, Yael Kurlander and Idit Zimmerman, Live-in or Locked-out: Housing of Migrant Workers before and during COVID-19, Housing Studies, 1 (2024). [Full Text]
Tamar Barkay, Jonathan Davies, Irene Pietropaoli and Hila Shamir, Anti-trafficking Chains: Analyzing the Impact of Transparency Legislation in the UK Construction Sector, Law & Social Inquiry (2024). Published online 2024:1-32. doi:10.1017/lsi.2024.6 . [Full Text]
Tamar Barkay, Neoliberalism and Zionism: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Social Struggle on Israeliness, 33 Theory and Criticism 45 (2008). [Hebrew] [Full Text]
Tamar Barkay, Regulation and Voluntarism: A Case Study in the Making, 3(4) Regulation & Governance 360 (2009). [Full Text]
Tamar Barkay, Employee Volunteering: Soul, Body and CSR, 8(1) Social Responsibility Journal 48 (2011).
Tamar Barkay, When Business and Community Meet: A Case Study of Coca-Cola, 39(2) Critical Sociology 277 (2012). [Full Text]
Tamar Barkay, Corporate Responsibility and Organized Labour: The Case of Pelephone in MARKETS, LAW AND POLITICS: ON CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 151-171 (Ofer Sitbon and Ronit Donyets-Kedar (eds.), 2017). [Hebrew]
Tamar Barkay, Environmental Governance and Regulation in Israel: The Case of the Deposit Law on Beverage Containers in THE GOVERNANCE OF REGULATION: LAW AND POLICY 481-508 (Yishay Blank, Roy Kreitner and David Levi Faur (eds.), 2017) [Hebrew].