Meshi Koren, The First Victims of the Online Financial Fraud Industry are the Fraudsters, THE MARKER MAGAZINE, December 17, 2023. [Hebrew]
Yuval Bagno, Israel Ignores Labor Trafficking, MAARIV, October, 2022. [Hebrew]
Assaf Bondy, The Danger at Construction Sites, N12 Daily Podcast, August 28, 2022. [Hebrew]
New Perspectives on Tackling Human Trafficking: Featuring Prof. Hila Shamir, Tel Aviv University News and Events, July 28,2022. [English]
ERC Public Engagement with Research Award 2022: Hila Shamir, Finalist (for TraffLab research project, in "Influence" category: building bridges between the research and policy-making), [Link to Finalists] Ceremony July 14, 2022. [Link to Ceremony]
An Alternative Action Plan Addresses the Root Cause of Labour Trafficking in Israel, Freedom Collaborative GLOBAL NEWSLETTER, June 28, 2022 ("TraffLab suggests a new approach to Israel’s anti-trafficking policy").[English]
Maayan Niezna, To prevent trafficking in Israel, allow migrants to leave abusive employers, OPEN DEMOCRACY, June 22, 2022. [English]
Avinoam Cohen, Migration and Slavery in the Modern Era, GALAT and Open University Podcast, April 19, 2022. [Hebrew]
Maaverim, Human Trafficking – A Global and Local Perspective, Hila Shamir, ERC Project,
December 22, 2021. [Hebrew]
Tamar Ben David, Why Minimum Wage? Let Them Say ‘Thank You’ for Being Paid, Sicha Mekomit, December 9, 2021. [Hebrew]
Interview with Hila Shamir on Migrant Workers in Israel, GALATZ (radio), December 9, 2021. [Hebrew]
Uri Sela, Israel Downgraded in the Struggle Against Human Trafficking – “Does Not Meet the Minimum Standard”, WALLA NEWS, July 2, 2021. [Hebrew]
Ayelet Shani, Interview with Prof. Hila Shamir, HAARETZ, June 21, 2021. [Hebrew]
Elian Peltier, Hamas Rocket Attack Kills Two Thai Workers in Israel, NEW YORK TIMES, May 19, 2021 [English]; Almog Ben Zikri, Two Migrant Workers Killed by Gaza Rocket in Southern Israel, HAARETZ, May 18, 2021 [English]; Almog Ben Zikri and Ori Kashti, Two Thai Workers Killed by Direct Hit on Moshav in Eshkol, HAARETZ, May 18, 2021 [Hebrew]; Barak Ravid, Eli Ashkenazi, Yanir Yagana and Amir Bohbot, Barrage on the South Renewed in the Evening; Two Killed in Direct Hit in Eshkol Village, WALLA NEWS, May 18,2021 [Hebrew]. See also Eli Ashkenazi and Maya Horudnichn, The Bodies of the Workers from Thailand Were Returned to Their Country. Their Friends are Left without Protection, WALLA NEWS, May 19, 2021 [Hebrew].
Hila Shamir, Who Has the Most Dubious Terms of Employment: Palestinan, Turkish or Chinese Construction Workers?, Calcalist Podcast, March 2, 2021. [Hebrew]
Yuval Bagno, Procrastination of Vaccination Certificates for Care Workers: "Prohibited Discrimination", MAARIV online, March 2, 2021. [Hebrew]
Ayushman Bhagat, Labour Migrants’ Struggle to Subvert Anti-trafficking Interventions in Nepal, OPEN DEMOCRACY, January 20, 2021. [English]
Hila Shamir, It's Time to Admit: Modern Slavery Exists in Israel, MAARIV online, January 1, 2021. [Hebrew]
Karen Shalit, Through Regulation of Laws for the Benefit of Migrant Workers, It is Possible to Combat Human Trafficking – Also in Israel, THE MARKER, December 22, 2020. [Hebrew]
Or Kashti, 'Modern Slavery': With Little Enforcement, Israeli Trafficking in Foreign Workers Continues, HAARETZ, December 18, 2020. [English] [Hebrew]
Hila Shamir, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking - Think&Drink Different: Podcast, December 12, 2020. [Hebrew]
Yahel Kurlander, Employing Migrant Farmworkers from Thailand: a Sociological Perspective of Law - TAU Law Podcast, December 10, 2020. [Hebrew]
Yahel Kurlander and Matan Kaminer, Permanent Workers in the Backyard: Employing Migrant Farmworkers from Thailand in the Israeli Countryside, BEHEVRAT-HAADAM (October 2, 2020). [Hebrew]
The Broadcast University - Introduction to Labor with Prof.Hila Shamir discussing "Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking", GALATZ (radio), July 21, 2020. [Hebrew]
Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Labor Abuse Fears Rise for Thai Migrant Workers in Israel under New Deal, Thomson Reuters Foundation News, July 21, 2020. [THOMSON REUTERS] [JERUSALEM POST] [BANGKOKPOST] [MEKONG MIGRATION NETWORK] [THE TIMES OF INDIA] [THE WORLD NEWS MONITOR] [ECO-BUSINESS]
Everything is Political, Dr. Yahel Kurlander discussing TraffLab research on the Prohibition of Consumption of Prostitution and Paying for Sex, Receiving Payment for Sex and Attitudes Towards Prostitution/Sex Work Law, MIXCLOUD, Kol ha galil haelyon (radio), July 19, 2020. [Hebrew]
Maayan Niezna, The "Modern Slaves" Have Been Forgotten in the Data on the Struggle against Human Trafficking in Israel, WALLA NEWS, July 19 2020. [Hebrew]
Lee Yaron, One-third of Israeli Men Have Paid for Sexual Services at Least Once, Survey Finds, HAARETZ, July 12, 2020. [English] [Hebrew]
Maayan Niezna, Under Control: Palestinian Workers in Israel During COVID-19, Border Criminologies, University of Oxford Faculty of Law, July 7, 2020. [English]
Hila Shamir, In the Time of Corona: Listen to the Vulnerable Workers, THEMARKER MAGAZINE, May 11,2020. [Hebrew]
Frontiers of Science (“Krav Maeda”) with Prof. Hila Shamir, GALATZ (radio), May 12, 2020. [Hebrew]
Amos De Vinter, Employment of Thai [workers] in Times of Corona, KAV LAMOSHAV, April 23, 2020. [Hebrew]
Guy Varon, A Disturbing Phenomenon: Foreign Workers in the Agricultural Sector Selling Drugs, MAKO N12, February 8, 2020. [Hebrew]
Hila Shamir, “Private Investigators”: How to Address Human Trafficking?, YNET, June 22, 2019. [Hebrew].
Assaf Bondy, Death Against the Backdrop of Ethnic-National Status: the Reckless Sphere of the Construction Industry, SICHA MEKOMIT, May 26, 2019. [Hebrew]
Karen Shalit, Human Bondage Has Not Yet Ended – Also in Israel, THE MARKER, December 31, 2018. [Hebrew]
Gur Megiddo, “Imprisonment, Beatings and Deserters’ Police” – What is Happening to Turkish Workers in Israel?, THE MARKER, September 18, 2018. [Hebrew]