Michal Tadjer, Their Language: The Legal Procedure Translated in the Labor Courts and its Failure to Make Justice Accessible to Non-Hebrew Speaking Parties, June 2024. [Hebrew]
Shelley Marshall, Ingrid Landau, Hila Shamir, Tamar Barkay, Judy Fudge, Auret van Heerden and Renée Burns, Policy Brief: Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: Risks and Opportunities for Workers and Unions, RMIT University Business and Human Rights Centre; TraffLab ERC; and Labour, Equality and Human Rights (LEAH)research group, Monash Business School (2023). [POLICY BRIEF - English] [SUMMARY of June 5, 2023 Event - English]
Shelley Marshall, Ingrid Landau, Hila Shamir, Tamar Barkay, Judy Fudge and Auret van Heerden, Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: Risks and Opportunities for Workers and Unions, RMIT University Business and Human Rights Centre; TraffLab ERC; and Labour, Equality and Human Rights (LEAH)research group, Monash Business School (2023). [FULL REPORT - English]
Shelley Marshall, Hila Shamir, Anjali Sharma and Chinmayi Naik, Key Findings of the "Transferability of Mathadi Board’s" Project (2023). [English] [Marathi] [Hindi]
Ayushman Bhagat, The Impact of Migration Bans on Female Nepalese Citizens, Policy Briefing (2022). [English]
Hila Shamir and Maayan Niezna, Comments on Israel's National Anti-Trafficking Plan, May 1, 2022 [Hebrew] (submitted to the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator).
Hila Shamir and Maayan Niezna (eds.), An Alternative Anti-Trafficking Action Plan: A Proposed Model Based on a Labor Approach to Trafficking, TraffLab Research Group Policy Paper, Tel Aviv University (2022). [English]
Yahel Kurlander and Shahar Shoham, "A Country that 'Eats' its Workers", March 15, 2022 (with Physicians for Human Rights, Kav LaOved,and Dr. Matan Kaminer).
Hanny Ben-Israel and Yahel Kurlander, "Student" Programs in the Israeli Agricultural Sector, March 2022 [Hebrew] (Policy Paper submitted to the Knesset Special Committee on Foreign Workers).
Hila Shamir, Yahel Kurlander, Hanny Ben-Israel, Reforms in the Care Sector, December 16, 2021 [Hebrew] (Policy Paper submitted on behalf of the TraffLab research group to the Population and Immigration Authority team examining changes to methods of employment of foreign workers in the care sector).
Shahar Shoham and Yahel Kurlander, Sexual Violence Against Migrant Workers in the Agriculture Sector in Israel, October 2021 [Hebrew], (Policy Paper submitted to the Knesset Special Committee on Foreign Workers). Presentations to the Foreign Workers Committee: 19.10.21 16.11.21 and 21.2.22
Hila Shamir and Maayan Niezna (eds.), An Alternative Anti-Trafficking Action Plan: A Proposed Model Based on a Labor Approach to Trafficking, TraffLab Research Group Policy Paper, Tel Aviv University (2020). [Hebrew]
Maayan Niezna, Enforcement and Identification of Victims of Labor Trafficking in Israel - Difficulties and Principles for Improvement, submitted July 2020. (Policy Paper submitted to the governmental team focusing on Enforcement and Identification as a part of the Implementation Plan for the National Program in Combating Human Trafficking). [Hebrew]
Guy Shilo, Einat Peled, Hila Shamir, Paying for Sex, Receiving Payment for Sex and Attitudes Towards Prostitution/Sex Work Policy and The Law Prohibiting the Purchase of Sexual Services: Data from a Survey of the Israeli Jewish Population, Tel Aviv University (2020). [Hebrew]
Letter to the Israeli National Security Council Concerning Migrant Workers, Palestinian Workers and Informal Workers in the Age of COVID-19, May 17, 2020. (TraffLab, Kav LaOved, Hotline for Refugees and Migrants, and Physicians for Human Rights) [Hebrew]
Letter to the Israeli National Security Council Concerning Migrant Domestic Workers in the age of COVID-19, May 17, 2020. (Workers’ Rights Legal Clinic (TraffLab) and the Clinics for the Rights of the Elderly) [Hebrew]
Letter to the Israeli National Security Council Concerning Migrant Agriculture Workers in the age of COVID-19, May 17, 2020. (TraffLab, Kav LaOved, and Physicians for Human Rights) [Hebrew]