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Visiting Research Fellow at TraffLab

March-June 2019

David Tardivo
Davide Tardivo

Davide Tardivo

Davide Tardivo is a Ph.D student at Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy) and a Visiting Research Fellow at Trafflab.


After the graduation in Law at Università degli Studi di Padova, I am going to complete my Ph.D in labor and employment law “Private, International and Labor law” at the Doctoral School at Padova University. 


During my Ph.D I spent periods as visiting scholar at University of Illinois – College of Law (Advisor Prof. Matthew Finkin), and at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Institute for Labour Law (Advisor Prof. Frank Hendrickx). I have been invited as a speaker in international conferences in Italy and the US. 


Research at TraffLab: My research at TraffLab leads to an analytical acknowledgement on human trafficking phenomenon in Italy (legal framework, best practices and real-life situations). The Italian case is particularly interesting because it provides positive empirical evidences in favor of the “labor approach” to human trafficking. Notably, the analysis will include the detailed description of main criticisms and recent best solutions adopted by public actors, employers’ associations and trade unions against human trafficking. Along the whole research, specific attention will be dedicated to agricultural sector, which is particularly prone to employees’ exploitation. 


Relevant Publications 

Accesso Alle Prestazioni Assistenziali e Tensioni “Universaliste” Della Giurisprudenza (Welfare benefits for Migrant Workers in Recent Courts’ Statements, Argomenti di Diritto del Lavoro, forthcoming.


Contrattazione Collettiva e Anormalità dell’offerta Nel Nuovo Codice dei Contratti Pubblici (Collective bargaining and abnormally Low Tenders in the New Italian Public Procurement Code), 4 Variazioni su Temi di diritto del Lavoro 1033-62 (2017).


Libertà di Espressione nel Rapporto di Lavoro: Diritto di Critica e di Replica del Lavoratore (Freedom of Speech and Employment Contract:Eemployee’s Right to Critique and Replay)

published in 9 La Nuova Giurisprudenza Civile Commentata 1142-52 (2017).


L’incompatibilità nel Pubblico Impiego Privatizzato: Tra Sanzione Disciplinare e Decadenza (Incompatibility and Disciplinary Dismissal inPublic Employment), 5 Labor: Il Lavoro nel Diritto 583-97 (2017).

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