18-19 November 2019 in New Delhi
Event Poster (English)
TraffLab (ERC) is organizing a conference in collaboration with the Center for Responsible Business in New Delhi, and with Bimal Arora and Shilpi Banerjee in 18-19 November, 2019 in New Delhi. The conference will be an opportunity for evaluation and critical engagement with recent developments in relation to tools to combat modern slavery and anti-trafficking in supply chains. The conference, titled “Human Trafficking & Supply Chains: Corporate Responsibility Beyond Transparency Legislation” seeks to bring together a multi-disciplinary and international group of scholars to discuss the potential and limits of corporate responsibility and transparency legislation in the effort to reduce severe forms of labor market exploitation in the global economy, with an emphasis on bringing together scholars and perspectives from developing, emerging and developed economies.
This Multi-Disciplinary Group Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) India and Sustainability Standards: International Dialogues and Conference 2019 (ISS) in New Delhi, scheduled from 20-22 November, 2019 at Eros Hotel, Nehru Place, New Delhi, India, which offers excellent opportunities for hearing and engaging with global policymakers and practitioners of CSR and sustainability.