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June 27, 2022
5:00-8:00 pm (IDT)

Virtual Format, Via Zoom


Event Poster (English)

Links to Recorded Conference Sessions:


Introduction of the Alternative Anti-Trafficking Action Plan

Hila Shamir, Tel Aviv University and PI TraffLab (ERC)

Keynote: Siobhán Mullally

Special Rapporteur on Trafficking, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights


Chair: Hanny Ben Israel, Tel Aviv University and TraffLab


Policy reform and the politics of anti-trafficking: What will it take to thread the needle?

Joel Quirk, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa


New global migration governance: challenges and opportunities for anti-trafficking efforts

Janie Chuang, American University Washington College of Law

Structures of exploitation and workers' rights

Virginia Mantouvalou, University College London (UCL)

Binding, debt, enforcement: The anti-trafficking policy triangle

Maayan Niezna, University of Oxford Faculty of Law
and TraffLab Fellow







This event will Launch the Alternative Anti- Trafficking Action Plan: A Proposed Model Based on a Labor Approach to Trafficking. This extensive policy paper was written by a group of ten TraffLab researchers from different disciplines (law, sociology, anthropology and industrial relations), and edited by Hila Shamir and Maayan Niezna. It reflects the 'labor approach' to trafficking, and aims to offer an alternative vision of how to address human trafficking in Israel given the limitations of the dominant antitrafficking approach (based mostly on criminal law enforcement and restrictions on migration, with some human rights protections and services to the few identified victims of trafficking) to address the structural causes of severe forms of labor exploitation. The Hebrew version was first published in December 2020.

The full report in English is available here

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